CDAT Research Project

Equitable Recognition of Art Talent Using Clark’s Drawing Abilities Test

Seeking teachers to participate in a research project who teach art to 4th-graders of varied backgrounds.

This project compares two ways of recognizing art talent among students of diverse demographics: Teacher observation and holistic assessment of student drawings using an online webapp.

If you are selected and decide to join the project, you will be asked to report on informal observation of your students, participate in three one-hour video conference training sessions using Google Meet, administer a one-hour test involving four drawing prompts to your 4th-grade art students, and spend approximately three hours at your convenience assessing other participating teachers’ tests online. These activities will take place between November, 2021 and April, 2022. You will receive $100, and the reports you receive from the project will provide useful information for guiding the art instruction of your own students.

This project is being funded by a grant from the National Art Education Foundation and being conducted by Steve Heil, Principal Investigator.

Contact Information: Please visit or email to get more information.

Apply using this Google Form. Participants will be selected based on the usefulness to this study of the demographics of the population of 4th-grade students they report in their art class(es).

This project has been reviewed and approved by the Heartland Institutional Review Board. Questions concerning your rights as a participant in this research may be addressed to the Executive Director at Heartland IRB. Office: (866) 618-HIRB [4472]; Fax: (866) 414-0517; or by emailing