The CDAT is free to administer to individuals or groups. Users of the test must register contact information in order to download the test booklets from this site. Users of the test also see to the scoring of student responses using the holistic screening approach.
Standardized scoring services will use adaptive comparative judgement data collected online at Initially, scoring services will require a full norm set of student responses, functioning as a universal screening measure. Art educators exchange reciprocal assessment services for assessment results. In other words, the cost of assessment results may be reduced or eliminated completely in exchange for assessments of other art educators’ student responses.
Student responses to the four CDAT responses will be uploaded as four-page PDF files and idenitifiable only by unique student ID codes. Comparative Judgment data collection will continue with each assessor until each item’s rank result is unique for that assessor. Estimated scale scores will be computed using the Bradley-Terry-Luce model based on holistic paired comparison judgments of three assessors with high reliability coefficients.